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HP TET Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme, and Marks Distribution

HP TET Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme, and Marks Distribution (Example – Based on Previous Years)

The Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (HP TET Exam) is a crucial examination administered by the Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education (HPBOSE) to assess candidates aspiring to become teachers in various schools across the state. The exam generally comprises multiple sections tailored to evaluate the candidates’ knowledge and teaching aptitude.

HP TET Exam Pattern (Example):

The HP TET exam usually consists of multiple choice questions (MCQs) covering various subjects based on the level of teaching:

  1. Sections:

    • Child Development and Pedagogy
    • Language I (Hindi)
    • Language II (English)
    • Mathematics
    • Environmental Studies
    • Social Studies
  2. Duration:

    • The duration of the HP TET exam varies for each section, typically ranging from 1 to 2.5 hours per section.

HP TET Marking Scheme (Example):

  • Questions: Each section of the HP TET exam consists of MCQs carrying one mark for each correct answer.
  • Negative Marking: There might not be any provision for negative marking in the HP TET examination.

HP TET Marks Distribution (Example):

  • Child Development and Pedagogy: 30 marks
  • Language I (Hindi): 30 marks
  • Language II (English): 30 marks
  • Mathematics: 30 marks
  • Environmental Studies: 30 marks
  • Social Studies: 30 marks

The HP TET Exam Pattern typically covers multiple sections assessing various subjects and teaching aptitude. The marking scheme usually awards one mark for each correct answer without any negative marking. Candidates are advised to refer to the official HPBOSE website or related sources for the most updated and accurate information regarding the HP TET Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme, and Marks Distribution for the year 2024.

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